What is Irrigation with Solar Energy? What are the Advantages? How is the Installation?

What is Irrigation with Solar Energy? What are the Advantages? How is the Installation?

As the world population increases, it is inevitable that agricultural production will also increase. Therefore, irrigation systems required for agricultural production also gain importance. However, the energy costs and limited resources required for traditional irrigation methods have led to the need for alternative irrigation methods. One of these alternative methods is irrigation with solar energy

What is Solar Energy Irrigation? 

Solar irrigation is the process of operating irrigation systems by using the energy generated by solar panels. This method involves pumping water to a high point near the source of the water, usually using a pump. In this way, agricultural land can be irrigated. 

What are the Advantages of Solar Irrigation?


Solar irrigation is cheaper than traditional irrigation methods. Since solar energy is a free resource, energy costs for irrigation systems are low. This reduces agricultural production costs. 

Environment Friendly 

The energy sources required for traditional irrigation methods are environmentally unfriendly, such as fossil fuels. Solar energy is a clean energy source. Therefore, irrigation with solar energy is an environmentally friendly irrigation method. 

Unlimited Resources 

Solar energy can be generated wherever the sun is present. Therefore, it is possible to irrigate using solar energy even in places with limited access to energy sources for irrigation. 

Less Maintenance 

The energy sources required for traditional irrigation methods require regular maintenance. Solar irrigation requires less maintenance. Solar panels need to be cleaned and maintained regularly, but not as often as traditional irrigation methods require. 

How to Install Solar Irrigation? 

Solar irrigation installation is the process of properly placing the solar panels, irrigation system and pump. This should be done by a professional installation team. In addition, the size and number of solar panels are determined according to the irrigation needs. 

Installation Stages of Solar Energy Irrigation System Site Selection 

The area where the irrigation system will be installed with solar energy should be in a location where the sun's rays can reach at an optimum angular level. It should also be close to the water source required for the irrigation system. 

System Design 

According to the irrigation needs, the size and power requirement of the system is determined. Solar panels, pump and irrigation system are designed accordingly. 

Installation of Solar Panels 

Solar panels are placed at an angle to maximize the sun's rays. This should be done by a professional installation team. 

Pump Installation 

The pump is placed close to the water source. The size and power of the pump is determined according to the irrigation needs. 

Installation of the Irrigation System 

The irrigation system is placed appropriately on the agricultural land. Irrigation hoses, irrigation heads and other equipment are properly selected according to the farmland. 

Installation of the Control Panel 

The control panel provides control of the solar panels and the pump. The control panel is selected and installed in harmony with the irrigation system. 

Maintenance of Solar Energy Irrigation System 

A solar irrigation system requires regular maintenance. The solar panels, irrigation system and pump should be cleaned and maintained regularly. In addition, the performance of the system should be checked regularly and repairs should be made when necessary. 


Solar irrigation is an environmentally friendly, cheap and unlimited energy source for agricultural production. Solar irrigation system installation and maintenance should be carried out with the help of a professional team. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How long does it take to install an irrigation system with solar energy? 

Irrigation system installation can vary depending on the farmland. However, it can typically take a few days. 

How durable is a solar irrigation system? 

The irrigation system can be used for many years if regular maintenance and repairs are carried out. 

How much does a solar irrigation system cost? 

The cost of an irrigation system can vary depending on the size, power and installation area of the system. However, solar irrigation systems are more economical than traditional irrigation systems because they save energy in the long run. 

Is a solar irrigation system suitable for all agricultural lands? 

Solar energy irrigation systems can be used in agricultural lands where the sun's rays can reach the optimum level. Also, the need for irrigation should be taken into consideration.